Sometimes you make incredible connections for lifetime with some very genuine people and that too randomly, this story is all about that connection and a friendship which I got bestowed with….

It all started a few months back when I received a DM on Instagram, admiring my work stating how live my stories and posts felt as if it happened to be in action and the person could feel himself present there..and the ‘tareefan’ continued to come and that too from a girl who seemed very simple from her profile and not the one who’s very active on social media…I thought it to be a spam or somebody playing around even though the messages were heartfelt, until today when this amazingly humble girl came down to Udaipur from her city (Jodhpur) just to meet me, and present this beautiful traditional bandhej suit which she selected specially for me, her words and gestures made me feel so overwhelmed and made me realise that this is the real earning, the earning of human relations and a friendship is now woven as beautiful as this bandhej…

I still was curious and this curiosity of mine made me ask her about how she happened to find about me and my work, to which she narrated that she was just strolling on Instagram and a post of mine amongst the others interested her so she visited my profile and started exploring it deeply, about my startup that she felt moved and impressed about so she started asking me questions about the contributions to the society like empowering women and others, even asked to meet me in person and let her know if she can contribute to any of the causes and she happened to be here talking to me today and said ‘now I am feeling  and can walk through everything you said over the messages’, which is one of the biggest compliment that I have got.

Thanks a ton Kritika, and I assure you that my contribution is nothing as compared to what you are doing for the upliftment of the society since last 10 years, I really feel that people like you can change the society for good and bring a lot of prosperity with your magic and humbleness..I feel that the case is reverse as your story and contributions have made me admire you more than you admiring me.

I say this from my heart that I would like to contribute to your causes by taking them forward digitally. Let’s empower more lives together..