About Me

Hey! I’m Surbhi Jain,

Engineer by Education, Entrepreneur by Profession, Digital Marketeer by Passion. An Indian to the core with a dream to become a world traveler. A Fashion Enthusiast and Foodie.

People often ask me  What is KOHLSTRAY? 😉

And I really like you all guessing the term; well googling out too? Do share in what comes to your mind hearing Kohlstray? 

Kohlstray is my personal blog where I am capturing my journey of Explorations; Experiences, Moments & Memories; As hinted above; Kohlstray says Kohl; diverse looks, from dramatic to subtle putting up to my Fashion & Lifestyle & Stray; a nomad traveling along routes beyond the limited areas with no definitive place keeping up to my explorations..

So well a Travel & Lifestyle Blogger.

“World is wide. Begin Today”


My Path of  Entrepreneurship

Never knew I will be here; Trying out different things;

Didn’t had an idea what I wanted to be?, at first started walking on the set standards of society and trying to live a dream which wasn’t mine, I planned to join Administrative services; god  knows why?, may be because dad said it was the most respectable thing?

Putting up in delhi, the Capital of India, Stormed up with a question, do I really want to do this?

And my globe trotter, who left everything just to realise his passion; was there making me realise this is not what you want? If you want to be on your own; see the world? All you need to do is  just start.

I always wanted to be Independent and meanwhile, I already was doing things, being a freelancer, I Loved the stuff be it Graphic Designing and WordPress Developer; learning and experimenting.  While doing this, I realized that most of the college students are either directionless, living someone else’s dream or following the rat race; as I was too.  This made me jump into the ocean of entrepreneurship and I started with ‘DIGIFICATION’, my own venture focussed towards imparting hands-on digital skill development training as what actually matters is doing things on your own; practical. 

I wish school had programmes to take to every place that they made us learn in Geography! 😉

And here I am doing what I love and fortunate enough to realise at the moment what I am who I want to be and love my life.

How I Began Bucket Listing the World

Of course, that’s My brother aka Map My Escape in a conversation seeing the world through his eyes was astonishing; giving me wings to step out; #Inspiration

Soon enough after I left my job; I got a chance to visit U.A.E.; that too kind of solo; I never had gone alone before this to even any nearest city HAHAHAHA; had very fewer travel journeys before this; imagine I got to sit in train also when I was a sophomore;

But took a step; went ON! And the remarkable journey began; Can’t forget any moment; This marked my love for exploring the world and how much I enjoy travelling; meeting new people; knowing cultures; places, and history, trying different foods and uh oh shopping is a must!

Well, what was next; I had my Globe trotter who gave me amazing opportunities; soon road trips came for me; Went on a Rajasthan Road trip with two Argentinians; and discovered how beautiful and culturally rich my state is. I felt the places; met new people, got into history, the rooted stuff;  Well involved that  I met myself and evolved.

I am glad enough if you made reading this; I really look forward to inspiring you; to realise and live the life you want. Let’s not settle; be a Go-Getter! To unlock what life has to offer you!

Let’s stay connected. Join Kohlstray on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! Stay tuned to coming!